HIPAA Video Resource & Document Library

At HIPAA Video we have the documents and resources you need. Whether it’s to learn more about our features, how to onboard onto HIPAA Video or the latest news to empower your telehealth needs, we have it for you!

HIPAA Video Guides

Learn all about how HIPAA Video works.

HIPAA Video Product Overview

This quick one-sheet will tell you everything you need to know about HIPAA Video’s features. All the details you need to know about HIPAA Video, including compatibilities, pricing, and more. With one quick look you’ll learn all about the benefits of HIPAA Video to your practice.

Getting Started with HIPAA Video: Providers

With this quick and easy guide, you will have step by step instructions on how to set up your account and get started with HIPAA Video. All of your questions will be answered from creating your account, onboarding patients, creating appointments and more!

Getting Started with HIPAA Video: Patients

We all know some patients would like a little extra help. This guide will help give them step by step instructions as to how to join your next appointment.

HIPAA Video: PHI (Protected Health Information) Protections

PHI is at the crux of HIPAA-compliance. Whether for yourself, your staff, or interested patients, we at HIPAA Video outline for you how PHI protection is implemented on our platform.

HIPAA Video Resources

Stay informed about the benefits and best practices in telehealth.

Benefits of Telehealth

PHI is at the crux of HIPAA-compliance. Whether for yourself, your staff, or interested patients, we at HIPAA Video outline for you how PHI protection is implemented on our platform.

HIPAA Violations to Avoid

While most every American in healthcare is aware of HIPAA regulations, there are some common pitfalls and errors that can be made. This convenient one-sheet makes it easy to track these items. Print this out and distribute to your staff to ensure 100% HIPAA compliance 100% of the time.

Mental Healthcare Telehealth Benefits

While many understand that Mental Healthcare can now happen virtually, there are even more benefits and new developments that aren’t widely known. Expand your practice beyond the office, the borders of your town, or even your state. Mental healthcare has never been more in need, and HIPAA Video will empower providers to deliver.

HIPAA Video Tools

Use our HIPAA Video Tools to bolster your platforms and business.

HIPAA Badges & Shields

Once you’re part of HIPAA Video, use one of our HIPAA badges or shields to let your patients, clients and colleagues know your practice meets the highest standards of HIPAA. Use it on your website, in your signatures, and in your documents.

For the Health of Your Practice.

For the Health of Your Patients.